Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Evil Nature

Everyone has an evil nature, some choose to believe everyone is born good, I choose to believe otherwise.
Human are evil in nature, given the right time, right situation, they would strife to control and manipulate.
You may or may not have a faith, it doesn't take the evilness away, it only keeps it in control. Thus, if loosen, we are all "devils" inside.

It emerges in all sorts of situation, especially ugly when there is fame and fortune. It would also emerge to protect oneself from anything that is perceived as harmful.
I never believe in altruism. We do all things for a reason.. with an intent.. be it consciously or sub-consciously. However, not many of us reason all our actions and reactions. Some of us even live in self denial that they are righteous and good. I don't believe in sacrificial love, the cross is carried for a reason. Nothing comes without a price.

The love of any kind comes with a condition attached. whether or not it is known or unknown.. if you argued that a parent die for a child cos of pure love, i would believe that is naive cos the parent died so that
he wouldn't live with the guilty of not giving, the conscience that may prick and torture him for the rest of his life,
the social pressure, social standards that he may or may not face
and the unpredictable of the consequence could have subconsciously
lead him to such decision.
There is no pure love per se.

Even yearn to be loved is an evil intent! Aren't we created for that reason..
is it really cos just pure love or cos of loneliness or just the need to be loved?
It is already evil to create for the very pleasure of oneself.

Somehow.. we inherit it in our blood.. in us ...and it'll never ever leave us
Call me a cynic and skeptic if u want but i still believe evil nature looms in us.

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